The Share-Your-Photos App is meant for anybody and everybody that loves to take pictures. Because there are so many ways to use the app, we’re starting a series that showcases how different people use the app for their event.
Today, we’re featuring how a camp counselor uses the app and their favorite features of it. Some of the best childhood memories come from summer camp! Your child’s favorite memories should be captured and documented. It’s so easy to use the app in every aspect of camp – whether it’s for the photographer’s pictures, camper’s candids, or to give parents at home an inside look into their kid’s camp experience.
What’s your favorite event you used the Share Your Photos App for and why?
I work as a photographer and social media director at an overnight summer camp, so there’s never a shortage of good photo opportunities at my job! This app has been wonderful for sharing those photos with parents and grandparents. I use it every day to upload all the pictures I’ve taken of the kids. Parents are able to log on and view photos of everything from our daily activities to carnival nights and campouts. Having access to something visual that shows happy and safe children really helps to provide our clients with peace of mind.
What’s your favorite feature of the SYP app?
I love that I can upload an unlimited number of high resolution photos into each album I create. This is super helpful for me because I take hundreds of photos each day and need somewhere to share them where the quality won’t be compromised.
Who would you recommend the app to?
I would recommend the app to anyone who enjoys taking or viewing photos. The format is simple and very user friendly; we have people of all ages accessing it and loving the service we’re able to provide because of the app. The app can be used by moms who want to share photos of their kids directly from their cell phone or professional photographers who want to upload high-quality images from their camera. It’s a win-win for everyone!
Show us your favorite photo from your most memorable event on the app!
“I love this photo that was captured at a moment when neither the staff member or camper knew it was being taken. Teamwork makes the dream work!” –Chamberlain Smith, Camp Woodmont Counselor