Spring road race season is underway, so you can find a 5K or longer race to run every weekend these days. People compete in theses races for fun, fitness and to support good causes, but there’s no shame in wanting the bragging rights and finisher pictures, too!
Next time you head to the starting line, keep these tips in mind, and you’ll be thrilled with the images from the race photographer.
Keep your race number visible.
A race photographer’s job is to take pictures of participants (a.k.a people wearing numbers). If your number isn’t clearly visible, there’s a good chance they won’t know you are a part of the race and won’t take a shot of you. Keep your bib clearly pinned to your outermost layer of clothing.
Wear bright colors
Not only will your family on the sidelines be able to spot you, but so will the photographers. They’re looking for people that might look great on the website’s homepage and in promo photos, so the brighter the outfit, the better. Black clothing can make you appear washed out, while white clothes can make the shot appear darker.
Leave the cap at home
Although a visor or baseball cap can protect your eyes from the sun, for photo purposes, choose sunglasses on race day
instead. Wearing a cap on a sunny day can cast a shadow directly over your face in the photo.
Keep running
Run through the finish line! Race photographers tell us that most people stop running right at the line or look at their watch. Run past the line for a few seconds to get that frame-worthy photo.
Take a post-race photo
Most races have photographers available after the race for photos as well. Take a shot wearing your medal and posing directly at the camera with your post-race glow. In these pictures, you’re not moving and can smile, so you’re more likely to be guaranteed a good shot.
Do you have a race photo you’re proud of? We want to see it! Post it on our Facebook page or tag us on Instagram.
Don’t forget to use the Share-Your-Photos app and to create an event ID at any races you do with friends. This way you can access all of the images without having to post on social media.